So far they are undefeated this season....Yeah!!.....
Most important: They have so much fun....
My Rugrat changed into her PINK ensemble (after her game was finished) to cheer on her lil' sisters team.
She had to change in a port-a-potty that is showing determination to show support for you lil' sister!
"Go Pink Raptor's Go!" she was busy juggling her bracelets most of the time but the thought was there....
My little Rugrat.... Go baby! Go!....
Hunk and I love cheerin' our Rugrats on.........Now if we can just remember to bring our chairs to the games.......sighhhhhhh......
It captures the emotion everyone on the team feels when a ball is flying at them.....
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's gonna hit me!!!"
She is one of my Rugrats good friends .....and is a very good player......but I love this of course I had to share....
The games are so much fun.......and I also believe so important to keep the lil' ones involved in something.
Hunk and I love cheerin' our Rugrats on.........Now if we can just remember to bring our chairs to the games.......sighhhhhhh......
I was told a few of the parents were giving him a bit of a hard time about not having a pink shirt on so here he is wearing one proudly.....
They are great coaches and we feel blessed for our Rugrat to get the chance to play with such a great group of kids......
Hope you enjoyed a peek into what every Saturday holds for us.......for a season.......
These days remind me of that song: "Let them be little"
It is so true.........they are only that way for awhile.......
What a privilege to get to be their momma!
Now kiss your babies and enjoy your Sunday!
Ciao Bellas~
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